
Book Review Service

I accept Physical copies, Kindle editions, PDF, mobi, epub formats.

My preferred genres are:

  1. Contemporary
  2. Historical
  3. Literary Fiction
  4. Mystery & Thriller
  5. Biographies & Autobiographies
  6. Philosophical
  7. Psychology
  8. Non-Fiction
  9. Self Help Books
  10. Inspirational
  11. Short Stories
  12. chick lit
  13. Romance

I would review other genres as well except for content inducing hatred against race, religion or a sect of society.

  1. I post my reviews on platforms- Blog, Amazon, Goodreads, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Quora, Trell, Medium, Dailyhunt, Podcast (on 6 podacst platforms) and if any other platform specified by the Author.
  2. I at least need a time period of 3 weeks to read and write my reviews because I actually read the book and I am a human so takes time. LOL

In my reviews, I discuss briefly the Synopsis followed by my interpretations of the book and my thoughts involved would be genuine based on my true impression formed while reading the book. Needless to say, I write honest reviews. No biases involved. I am of the view that every book has its own reader so it doesn’t mean that a book not liked by one cannot be liked by any.

Therefore if due to some reasons I did not like any portion of the book, I would mention the reason why and would also suggest who may like it and would love reading it.

*I have been currently charging for the efforts and time I give into reading and writing about the book on a number of platforms. The fee is only for the content and creativity I put into making the post on all the platforms and to promote it to the fullest. It doesn’t affect my views about the book. Please contact to know details about the services I provide in the review fee *

You can mail me at with “REVIEW REQUEST” in the subject line, you can even contact me through my blog or DM me on my INSTAGRAM HANDLE @booksn_sstuff

What You’ll Get:

– Review on various platforms
– Promotion for a day on Instagram
– Lifetime promotion on IG story whenever you ask

Proofreading Service

Please mail me about your work in detail at

I will get back to you with my service charges along with other necessary details if your work interests me.

Thank You!

Content Writer/ Book Blogger

Social Media Reach

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QUORA (138.1K content views)

DAILYHUNT (200+ followers)

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