Want an easy fix for a meaningful Life? Read this!

“Create a life that feels good on the inside, not just one that looks good on the outside” We all have our fair shares of problems in life. A life with no problems isn’t a reality, I guess. Sometimes overthinking makes the problem bigger in our head than in actuality. But how does one stopContinue reading “Want an easy fix for a meaningful Life? Read this!”

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Read this book if you want to be an achiever!

If you have always wanted to achieve big but lacks inspiration to start, then you surely need to read about this book .

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How this Non-Fiction Philosophical book can ease your pain?

The moment I read the title, I thought it’s something haven’t heard of before and that intrigued me. So grabbing this book was a rational decision for me because it’s hell a lot of sensitive content I have ever consumed from a book in 2020. To know about the book Read More…

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Which motivational book to read in 2020?

This inspirational book will force you to get up and work on your dreams. It will grow you as an individual. Read to learn more about this book

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A Book that entrepreneurs should read!

Sometimes we are so full of ideas and innovations and we want to implement and build an empire out of it through which we can serve the needs of the customers. But, some hesitations and fears are surrounding us so many times that we end up dropping our very own ideas. And a startup never even starts!
If you have gone through those same feelings and situations I have talked above then you surely need to pick up this book that I have recently read.

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