In Conversation With Vicky ❤#INTERVIEWSERIES #BOOKBLOGGER📚📚📚#VickywhoReads🤓

in conversation with

This is my third interview in the series and this time I am with an amazing YA Book Blogger, Vicky. She runs an awe-inspiring  Book Blog Vicky Who Reads. Vicky is not only a fantastic Book Blogger but an incredible Graphics Designer and I personally love her work because her designs are eye-catchy, unique and stunning. You can visit her page and look at her awesome work here 👉 Vicky Who Draws

Let’s read what she has to say about some of the Bloggish and bookish canvasses😃



1. Tell us and our readers something about yourself and your blog?

Hi Himani! Thank you so much for having me on Books&Sstuff today. I’m Vicky, a high school senior living in the United States, and I run a YA book blog called Vicky Who Reads! I review books, interview authors, and discuss all sorts of bookish topics on there, and I love connecting with other readers who are also passionate about reading!

vicky pic.png

2. What triggered you to start your blog? How do you look up to your decision now?

I actually started my book blog on a whim during the summer before my junior year! I have a friend who introduced me to the book community with Booktube, and then I looked up a few things and just decided to create a book blog, all in one day! I tested accounts on Wix, which I’ve used before, but ultimately chose to use WordPress for it’s the more sensible layout. I used to be part of the Wattpad writing community, but entering the book community as a whole was fun and exciting. Although there have been moments when I wanted to quit, I’ve made so many wonderful friends and learned so much from the book community that I can only be happy about my spur-of-the-moment decision.

3. Is blogging your profession or a hobby?

Definitely a hobby!

4. What hardships you had to face when you were new to the world of Blogging?

Oooh, I think one of the things I struggled a lot with was knowing when to time my posts! I was super eager to write a lot of stuff, and wasn’t exactly aware of things like posting reviews near publishing dates and other blogging tips, like finding the best time of day to post and posting on a schedule to help with showing up on search results!

5. How will you express your love for reading books in a sentence?

Books allow me to travel to different worlds, experience things from the comfort of my home, and learn new things, all while connecting people as readers!

6. Which social media do you use for your blog promotion? Do you think to be on social media impacts the traffic on any blog? If yes, how and to what extent?

I usually promote my blog on Twitter, and although I have an Instagram and Goodreads, I don’t usually use them to promote my blog posts. Social media definitely impacts my traffic–I’ve had posts that would have only had a hundred or so views on my blog spike into the thousands because of sharing it on Twitter, and I can usually see in the analytics how many people clicked on my post through a Tweet! I know most people don’t actually check/follow blogs often, and so using social media to bring posts onto their radar is something that definitely helps!

7. What are some of your best sources to grab books for yourself to read and review?

I am a huge mood reader, so I really like themed recommendations–i.e. royalty romance reading lists would be a themed recommendation! Whether this means finding a list on Goodreads or reading a themed recommendation post from another blogger, I definitely love using these types of resources. As for deciding what to read and review, my friends always send awesome recommendations that I love picking up!

8. Where do you see yourself in the Blogging world after Five years from now?

Honestly, I have no idea! I could have a new blog, or I could end up blog-less. I’ll never stop reading, but I don’t know where blogging will take me! Five years would be right after I graduate college, so you never know!

9. Can you suggest some of your favourite books that our readers would love discovering?

Oh, do I have a lot of books for you! One of my absolute favourites is Joan He’s DESCENDANT OF THE CRANE, out this Tuesday, which is such a fantastic fantasy with amazing plot twists! If you’re looking for some sci-fi fantasy mixes, I also wholeheartedly recommend Victoria Lee’s THE FEVER KING (for a queer dystopia!) and ONCE & FUTURE by Amy Rose Capetta & Cori McCarthy (King Arthur as a girl in space!). For pure sci-fi, I definitely suggest Olivia A. Cole’s A CONSPIRACY OF STARS (alien planets and colonialism!) and Cindy Pon’s WANT (near-future heists!)! For something historical, two of my favorite books of all time include Hanna Alkaf’s THE WEIGHT OF OUR SKY (based on Malaysian race riot’s of the past!) and Stacey Lee’s OUTRUN THE MOON, which has one of the most fun and relatable main characters ever, set during a San Francisco earthquake. Finally, for some contemporary romance, I wholeheartedly suggest anything by Maurene Goo (so adorable!) and also Jennifer Dugan’s HOT DOG GIRL (so funny and wholesome!). For more coming-of-age type stories, DARIUS THE GREAT IS NOT OKAY by Adib Khorram is one of my all-time favourites! Whew! That was a lot, but I have no regrets for augmenting your TBRs!

10. What piece of advice would you like to give our readers and the new bloggers?

Readers: Keep being awesome! Don’t try too hard to force books, if something doesn’t work for you, don’t feel bad for DNFing! New bloggers: Be yourself! That is 100% the best way to build your platform, in my opinion. People can tell when you’re passionate and genuine, and these are some of the most important qualities for a blog, in my opinion.


What fellow bloggers say

What Vicky Says about Books&Sstuff

in conversation with


Hope you all enjoyed reading. Do share your thoughts with me in the comment section below. I would love to listen from you about the interview. Happy reading!

 If you’re a book blogger yourself, and you’d like to be interviewed, follow this link to contact.



  1. Lovely post ❤ Vicky is such a great blogger ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Himani says:

      Thank you so much❤. She is amazing❤ and a huge inspiration too.

      Liked by 1 person

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