This Is Why Psychological Healing Through Creative Self-Understanding And Self-Transformation Book Is So Important today! BOOK REVIEW

Psychological Healing Through Creative Self-Understanding and Self-Transformation  TITLE: Psychological Healing Through Creative Self-Understanding and Self-Transformation AUTHOR: Dr Max Hammer, Dr Barry Hammer And Dr Alan C. Butler GENRE: Self-help/ Personal development LENGTH: 556 Pages (Paperback Edition)     This book focuses on the development of psychological self-understanding, healing psychologically painful inner conflicts, and the basisContinue reading “This Is Why Psychological Healing Through Creative Self-Understanding And Self-Transformation Book Is So Important today! BOOK REVIEW”

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ORIGINATED SELF   Title: Originated Self (How to develop self-love and inner happiness) Author: Shantinique James Genre: Self-Help/ Personal Development Length: 132 pages (Paperback) It’s time to go on a journey of self-discovery. We are all in this together. As we venture on the path let’s view our life from the perspective of a story.Continue reading “ORIGINATED SEFL BY SHANTINIQUE JAMES : BOOK REVIEW”

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