This Is Why Psychological Healing Through Creative Self-Understanding And Self-Transformation Book Is So Important today! BOOK REVIEW

Psychological Healing Through Creative Self-Understanding and Self-Transformation  TITLE: Psychological Healing Through Creative Self-Understanding and Self-Transformation AUTHOR: Dr Max Hammer, Dr Barry Hammer And Dr Alan C. Butler GENRE: Self-help/ Personal development LENGTH: 556 Pages (Paperback Edition)     This book focuses on the development of psychological self-understanding, healing psychologically painful inner conflicts, and the basisContinue reading “This Is Why Psychological Healing Through Creative Self-Understanding And Self-Transformation Book Is So Important today! BOOK REVIEW”

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You Should Read Craft Your Counterpart By Karlis Vilbers Self Help Book At Least Once In Your Lifetime And Here’s Why.

CRAFT YOUR COUNTERPART BY KARLIS VILBERS TITLE: Craft your Counterpart (CYC) AUTHOR: Karlis Vilbers GENRE: Self-help/ Personal development LENGTH: 200 Pages (Paperback  edition)       Your life is a reflection of your state of mind. This book will get you mentally and physically  ready for your desires and new life experiences. Overall and practicalContinue reading “You Should Read Craft Your Counterpart By Karlis Vilbers Self Help Book At Least Once In Your Lifetime And Here’s Why.”

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ORIGINATED SELF   Title: Originated Self (How to develop self-love and inner happiness) Author: Shantinique James Genre: Self-Help/ Personal Development Length: 132 pages (Paperback) It’s time to go on a journey of self-discovery. We are all in this together. As we venture on the path let’s view our life from the perspective of a story.Continue reading “ORIGINATED SEFL BY SHANTINIQUE JAMES : BOOK REVIEW”

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Title: Turn the Tables Author: Priya Kumar Genre: Inspirational/ Personal Development Publication:  Length: Source: Copy by Authoress   Turn the Tables is a book where I have penned down the lessons that I have learned through some really trying and challenging situations which brought me to where I am today, a place where I am a bigger andContinue reading “#BOOKREVIEW : TURN THE TABLES ✌️ BY PRIYA KUMAR”

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Why you don’t MAKE your own CHOICE: 5 BOOKS that may help you!

What if I did not live up to the expectations of my parents? What if I failed and my neighbours get to know this? What if my friends came to know that I am not getting the job they thought I would easily get into? What if I meet my relatives and they ask me,Continue reading “Why you don’t MAKE your own CHOICE: 5 BOOKS that may help you!”

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